Data Analysis

Andrey Shestakov (

Neural Networks 11

1. Some materials are taken from machine learning course of Victor Kitov

Let's recall previous lecture

Boosting, Ensembles

  • Construction of multiple models to increase model quality
    • In parallel (Bagging, Blending, Stacking, Random Forest)
    • Sequentially (Boosting)
  • Works great!
  • Hard to interpret
  • Tricky parameter tuning

Neural Networks


  • Neural networks originally appeared as an attempt to model human brain
  • Human brain consists of multiple interconnected neuron cells

    • cerebral cortex (the largest part) is estimated to contain 15-33 billion neurons
    • communication is performed by sending electrical and electro-chemical signals
    • signals are transmitted through axons - long thin parts of neurons.


  • 1943 – The first mathematical model of a neural network (Walter Pitts and Warren McCulloch)
  • 1957 – Setting the foundation for deep neural networks (Frank Rosenblatt)
  • 1965 – The first working deep learning networks
  • 1979-80 – An ANN learns how to recognize visual patterns
  • 1982 – The creation of the Hopfield Networks
  • 1989 – Machines read handwritten digits (Yann LeCun)
  • 1997 – Long short-term memory was proposed (Jürgen Schmidhuber and Sepp Hochreiter)
  • 1998 – Gradient-based learning (Yann LeCun)
  • 2011 – Creation of AlexNet
  • 2014 – Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)

Simple model of a neuron

  • Neuron get's activated in the half-space, defined by $w_{0}+w_{1}x^{1}+w_{2}x^{2}+...+w_{D}x^{D}\ge0$.
  • Each node is called a neuron
  • Each edge is associated a weight
  • Constant feature $b$ stands for bias

Multilayer perceptron architecture

  • Hierarchically nested set of neurons.
  • Each node has its own weights.

This is structure of multilayer perceptron - acyclic directed graph.


  • Structure of neural network:
    • 1-input layer
    • 2-hidden layers
    • 3-output layer

Continious activations

  • Pitfall of $\mathbb{I}[]$: it causes stepwise constant outputs, weight optimization methods become inapliccable.
  • We can replace $\mathbb{I}[w^{T}x+w_{0}\ge0]$ with smooth activation $f(w^{T}x+w_{0})$

Typical activation functions

  • sigmoidal: $\sigma(x)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}$
    • 1-layer neural network with sigmoidal activation is equivalent to logistic regression
  • hyperbolic tangent: $tangh(x)=\frac{e^{x}-e^{-x}}{e^{x}+e^{-x}}$

Typical activation functions

  • ReLU: $f(x)=[x]_{+}$.

Activation function zoo

Definition details

  • Label each neuron with integer $j$.
  • Denote: $I_{j}$ - input to neuron $j$, $O_{j}$ - output of neuron $j$
  • Input to neuron $j$: $I_{j}=\sum_{k\in inc(j)}w_{kj}O_{k}+w_{0j}$,
  • Output of neuron $j$: $O_{j}=f(I_{j})$.

    • $w_{0j}$ is the bias term
    • $f(x)$ is the activation function
    • $inc(j)$ is a set of neurons with outgoing edges incoming to neuron $j$.
    • further we will assume that at each layer there is a vertex with constant output $O_{const}\equiv1$, so we can simplify notation

$$ I_{j}=\sum_{k\in inc(j)}w_{kj}O_{k} $$

Output Generation

Output generation

  • Forward propagation is a process of successive calculations of neuron outputs for given features.

Activations at output layer

  • Regression: $f(I)=I$ (linear activation)
  • Classification:
    • binary: $y\in\{+1,-1\}$ $$ f(I)=p(y=+1|x)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-I}} $$
    • multiclass: $y\in{1,2,...C}$ $$ f(I_{1},...I_{C})=p(y=j|x)=\frac{e^{I_{j}}}{\sum_{k=1}^{C}e^{I_{k}}},\,j=1,2,...C $$ where $I_{1},...I_{C}$ are inputs of output layer.


  • each neuron $j$ may have custom non-linear transformation $f_{j}$
  • weights may be constrained:
    • non-negative
    • equal weights
    • etc.
  • layer skips are possible
  • Not considered here: RBF-networks, recurrent networks.

Number of layers selection

  • Number of layers usually denotes all layers except input layer (hidden layers+output layer)

  • Classification:

    • single layer network selects arbitrary half-spaces
    • 2-layer network selects arbitrary convex polyhedron (by intersection of 1-layer outputs)
      • therefore it can approximate arbitrary convex sets
    • 3-layer network selects (by union of 2-layer outputs) arbitrary finite sets of polyhedra
      • therefore it can approximate almost all sets with well defined volume

Number of layers selection

  • Regression:
    • single layer can approximate arbitrary linear function
    • 2-layer network can model indicator function of arbitrary convex polyhedron
    • 3-layer network can uniformly approximate arbitrary continuous function (as sum weighted sum of indicators convex polyhedra)
  • Sufficient amount of layers
Any continuous function on a compact space can be uniformly approximated by 2-layer neural network with linear output and wide range of activation functions (excluding polynomial).
  • In practice often it is more convenient to use more layers with less total amount of neurons
    • model becomes more interpretable and easy to fit.

Neural network optimization

Network optimization: regression

  • Single output:

$$ \frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=1}^{N}(\widehat{y}_{n}(x_{n})-y_{n})^{2}\to\min_{w} $$

  • K outputs

$$ \frac{1}{NK}\sum_{n=1}^{N}\sum_{k=1}^{K}(\widehat{y}_{nk}(x_{n})-y_{nk})^{2}\to\min_{w} $$

Network optimization: classification

  • Two classes ($y\in\{0,1\}$, $p=P(y=1)$): $$ \prod_{n=1}^{N}p(y_{n}=1|x_{n})^{y_{n}}[1-p(y_{n}=1|x_{n})]{}^{1-y_{n}}\to\max_{w} $$

  • $C$ classes ($y_{nc}=\mathbb{I}\{y_{n}=c\}$):

$$ \prod_{n=1}^{N}\prod_{c=1}^{C}p(y_{n}=c|x_{n})^{y_{nc}}\to\max_{w} $$

  • In practice log-likelihood (cross-entropy) is maximized

Neural network optimization

  • Let $L(\widehat{y},y)$ denote the loss function of output
  • We may optimize neural network using gradient descent:

    k=0 initialize randomly w_0 # small values for sigmoid and tangh

    while stop criteria not met:

      w_k+1 := w_k - alpha * grad(L(w_k))
      k := k+1
  • Standardization of features makes gradient descend converge faster

Gradient calculation

  • Let $W$ denote the total dimensionality of weights space
  • Direct $\nabla E(w)$ calculation, using $$ \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{i}}=\frac{L(w+\varepsilon_{i})-L(w)}{\varepsilon}+O(\varepsilon)\label{eq:deriv1} $$ or better $$ \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{i}}=\frac{L(w+\varepsilon_{i})-L(w-\varepsilon_{i})}{2\varepsilon}+O(\varepsilon^{2})\label{eq:deriv2} $$ has complexity: $O(W^{2})$

    • need to calculate $W$ derivatives
    • complexity for each derivative: $2W$

Backpropagation algorithm needs only $O(W)$ to evaluate all derivatives.

Backpropagation algorithm



  • Denote $w_{ij}$ be the weight of edge, connecting $i$-th and $j$-th neuron
  • Define $\delta_j = \frac{\partial L}{\partial I_j} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial O_j}\frac{\partial O_j}{\partial I_j}$
  • Since $L$ depends on $w_{ij}$ through the following functional relationship $L(w_{ij}) = L\left(O_j\left(I_j(w_{ij})\right)\right)$, using the chain rule we get: $$ \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{ij}} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial I_j}\frac{\partial I_j}{\partial w_{ij}} = \delta_j O_i$$ because $\frac{\partial I_j}{\partial w_{ij}} = \frac{\partial}{\partial w_{ij}} \left(\sum\limits_{k\in inc(j)} w_{kj} O_k\right) = O_i$, where $inc(j)$ is a set of neurons with outgoing edges to neuron $j$
  • $\frac{\partial L}{\partial I_j} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial O_j}\frac{\partial O_j}{\partial I_j} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial O_j} f'(I_j) $

Output layer

  • If neuron $j$ belongs to the output node, then error $\frac{\partial L}{\partial O_j}$ is calculated directly
  • For output layer $\delta_j$ are calculated directly: $$ \delta_j= \frac{\partial L}{\partial O_j}\frac{\partial O_j}{\partial I_j} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial O_j} f'(I_j) \qquad (1)$$
  • Example (single point $x$ and true vector of outputs $(y_1,\dots,y_{|OL|})$:
    • For $L = \frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{j\in OL}(O_j - y_j)^2$ $$ \frac{\partial L}{\partial O_j} = O_j - y_j $$
    • Sigmoid activation function: $$ f'(I_j) = \sigma(I_j)(1-\sigma(I_j)) = O_j(1-O_j) $$
    • finally $$ \delta_j = (O_j - y_j)O_j(1-O_j)$$

Inner layer

  • If neuron $j$ belongs to some hidden layer, denote $out(j) = \{k_1, k_2, \dots, k_m\}$ the set of all neurons, receiving output of neuron $j$ as their input
  • The effect of $O_j$ on $L$ in fully absorbed by $I_{k_1},I_{k_2},\dots,I_{k_m}$, so $$ \frac{\partial L(O_j)}{\partial O_j} = \frac{\delta L(I_{k_1},I_{k_2},\dots,I_{k_m})}{\delta O_j} = \sum\limits_{k\in out(j)} \left( \frac{\partial L}{\partial I_k} \frac{\partial I_k}{\partial O_j} \right) = \sum\limits_{k\in out(j)} \left(\delta_k w_{jk}\right)$$
  • So for layers other than output layer we have: $$ \delta_j = \frac{\partial L}{\partial I_j} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial O_j}\frac{\partial O_j}{\partial I_j} = \sum\limits_{k\in out(j)} \left(\delta_k w_{jk}\right) f'(I_j) \qquad (2)$$
  • Weight derivatives are calculated useing errors and outputs: $$ \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{ij}} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial I_j}\frac{\partial I_j}{\partial w_{ij}} = \delta_jO_j \qquad (3)$$


  1. Forward propagate $x_n$ to the neural network, store all inputs $I_j$ and outputs $O_j$ for each neuron
  2. Calculate $\delta_i$ for all $i \in$ output layer using $(1)$
  3. Propagate $\delta_i$ from final layer back layer by layer $(2)$
  4. Using calculated deltas and outputs calculate $\frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{ij}}$ with $(3)$
  • Options:
    • batch
    • (min-batch) stochastic

Multiple local optima problem

  • Optimization problem for neural nets is \textbf{non-convex}.
  • Different optima will correspond to:

    • different starting parameter values
    • different training samples
  • So we may solve task many times for different conditions and then

    • select best model
    • alternatively: average different obtained models to get ensemble
  • And/Or use some complex optimization methods

Vanishing Gradient Problem

In [3]:
x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 1000)
gr_sigm = sigmoid(x)*(1-sigmoid(x))

plt.plot(x, gr_sigm)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x116792f90>]
  • Feature scaling
  • Careful weight initialization
  • Using ReLU activation function

Model complexity and overfitting

  • Constrain model directly:
    • constrain number of neurons
    • constrain number of layes
    • impose constraints on weights
  • Take a flexible model
    • early stopping (with validation set)
    • L2 regularization $$ L(w) + \lambda\sum_i w_i^2 $$
  • Augmentation (more used in convnets)

Case study: ZIP codes recognition

ZIP code recognition task

Neural network structures

  • Net1: no hidden layer

  • Net2: 1 hidden layer, 12 hidden units fully connected

  • Net3: 2 hidden layers, locally connected

  • Net4: 2 hidden layers, locally connected with weight sharing

  • Net5: 2 hidden layers, locally connected, 2 levels of weight sharing



  • Advantages of neural networks:

    • can model accurately complex non-linear relationships
    • easily parallelizable
  • Disadvantages of neural networks:

    • hardly interpretable ("black-box" algorithm)
    • optimization requires skill
      • too many parameters
      • may converge slowly
      • may converge to inefficient local minimum far from global one